The Telemedicine Application, Vidmed,is downloaded by all the people who are interested in availing this services. The persons who download the application from Google PlayStore of Apple’s App Store, will install the app and register themselves by providing simple details like, name, address and age etc.

If they have any symptoms of Covid19, they can use the Telemedicine Application to call the Doctors Hub on from 9:00AM to 6:00PM and perform the Teleconsultation process.

Teleconsultation Process:
  • Patient Upon reaching the Doctor hub using the Telemedicine application, available Doctor will connect to the patient by accepting the call.
  • Doctor will initiate the discussion with patient by capturing the required details which include, personal details, past history, current health problemsand perform the triage through telemedicine consultation.
  • Doctor will perform any of below three activities Or all of them, based on the condition of the Patient presented to the doctor.
    1. Advice the patient to follow the medical steps to avoid the infection, if the patient is found not be infected with virus based on the conditionspresented. If required, Doctor may advice the medical test like RTPCR or Rapid Antigen to rule out the infection.
    2. If the patient, already diagnosed or observed to be a confirmed case of Covid 19, Doctor may Issue a Prescription which includes the Diagnostics tests to be conducted, Medicines to purchased, Pharmacy and Lab details (name & Contact number) along with the percentage of discount that can be availed by the patient.
    3. If the patient is already under treatment for Covid19,based on the medical conditions / vitals presented,Doctors may advise the patient to be shifted to a Hospital, which is nearest to their residence, for better care.
  • The details of the patients who have availed the consolationservices directly through telemedicine app are provided to Volunteers of the Khand to which Patients belong. The Volunteers will befollowing up with patients on a daily basis, with regards to Tests being conducted,medicines being used,referral admission has been done or not and daily progress with regards to condition of the symptom/disease.