How to Stay Sober Toolkit: 20 Tips for Staying Sober in Recovery

• The individual’s predispositions toward mental illness (such as depression, bipolar disorder, anxiety) or a trauma history (PTSD) may lead he or she to self-medicate with alcohol. Sober travel only improved my experience; if not for feeling good and saving money, then for being fully immersed in every moment and building genuine confidence instead of dulling the highs and lows with alcohol. These experiences gave me a new, genuine kind of confidence. All the difficult moments were still stressful, but they were a lot easier to manage without “hangxiety” heaped on top. And, all the fun things were more vibrant and memorable — a nine-mile running tour through Munich, a day at the Bundesgartenschau in Mannheim, and a trek to the castle at Heidelberg. It didn’t help matters that he wasn’t very friendly, but I understood.

staying sober around heavy drinkers

You might also prefer to drink coffee, tea, a seltzer with fresh fruit, or a soda with fresh lemon or lime. Once you start to reap the benefits of not drinking, it may be easier to opt for alternatives since your body may be feeling better without alcohol. If you are thinking about quitting being sober around drinkers drinking, talk to your healthcare provider. Medical supervision, behavioral health treatment, and mutual-aid groups can help you through alcohol withdrawal and stay stopped. Drinking is a holiday tradition for many families, but traditions can also transform and change over time.

“This may be important as we approach the holiday season and festivities invite heavier alcohol consumption,” says Doyle.

If you start getting shaky hands or a racing heart do not ignore it–take steps to taper off! If you want to avoid having alcohol withdrawal please visit our web page How To Prevent Alcohol Withdrawal. “Alcohol consumption often leads to hangovers, dehydration, and disrupted sleep patterns,” says Dr Giuseppe Aragona, GP and Online Medical Adviser for Prescription Doctor.

2) I pre-plan my non-alcoholic drinks and make sure that I make an effort to fix myself something nice. I also travel with my own tea bags so I can make sure I have my favourite hot drinks in the mornings and evenings. It does not need to be rigorous exercise, it does not even need to be long. Walking helps clear your head, increase circulation, and promote better heart health overall. You need to put your health at the forefront of your day-to-day activities and a 15 minute walk should be possible regardless of the weather or time of day. This is something you can do online, face-to-face with a friend, or, if all else fails, a mirror.

Maintaining Sobriety Around Friends Who Consume Alcohol

Whatever it is you need of them to help with your sobriety — whether it’s asking them to not drink as well, or to keep you away from getting swept into activities like beer pong — don’t be afraid to ask. Your sobriety doesn’t have to be something you feel like you need to justify if you do choose to attend drink-filled occasions. Here are five key tips from alcohol abuse experts on how to effectively navigate the summer if cocktails aren’t in the cards for you. The arrival of summer not only brings higher temperatures, but the onslaught of invites to seasonal outings like graduation parties, wedding receptions, backyard BBQs, and office happy hours. While these oft-boozy events may not be an issue for some, they can be major stressors for those who aren’t drinkers, whether because they simply don’t like to imbibe or are focused on maintaining their sobriety.

  • These professionals offer evidence-based personalized treatments tailored to individual needs and are equipped to provide the support needed during tough times.
  • Additionally, your wallet will thank you when you don’t indulge.
  • For people at low risk of complications, an office visit to your primary care provider, along with at-home monitoring and virtual office visits, may suffice.
  • “So that would go from zero upwards. I think one of the largest scores we had was 120, which is a near death experience.”
  • I’m trying to take care of myself, and you want me to take care of an animal?

It helped enormously to pave the way ahead, letting guides and hosts know I wouldn’t be drinking. But the most valuable part of this practice was that it forced me to acknowledge my own roadblocks so that when my ego cropped up mid-travels, I didn’t have to believe what it was telling me. Unlike my experiences in Borneo and Cuba, I never felt trapped, which is a trigger. The “worst” experience with alcohol was in another cooking class. The host, despite knowing ahead of time that we didn’t drink, had only tap water on the table.

Who Experiences Alcohol Withdrawal Symptoms?

These may still be mild, or the existing symptoms might increase in severity. Embrace honesty in your journey, prepare for social interactions, identify triggers, and avoid temptation. Without the influence of alcohol, a range of activities from outdoor pursuits to creative hobbies become available. From hiking and biking to painting classes or book clubs, there’s a world of opportunities waiting for you. By Buddy T

Buddy T is a writer and founding member of the Online Al-Anon Outreach Committee with decades of experience writing about alcoholism.

Research studies have shown that people activated more parts of their brain and increased their ability to learn when putting pen to paper as opposed to typing. For someone struggling with their sobriety and learning a new way of life, this is one of the best exercises you can do. Behavioral health treatment for alcohol problems is often (but not always) covered by insurance. In the United States, most states have low-cost or free rehabilitation programs for those who are uninsured.

What Does Staying Sober Mean?

Attend support group meetings where you can connect with others who share similar experiences. These groups provide a safe space for you to discuss your challenges, share advice, garner motivation, and learn from others who have successfully maintained their sobriety. Chaos and fun and laughter and catching up and lots of chats and entertaining kids and activities and stuff. Every day at 5 o’clock the drinks come out  (sometimes at lunch too), and it continues through the evening. There are more kids now than in previous years (all my siblings and cousins have been busy breeding!) so it’s less boozy than it used to be, but still the 5 o’clock habit is there.

  • I also travel with my own tea bags so I can make sure I have my favourite hot drinks in the mornings and evenings.
  • Even if you’re unable to attend a class, there are plenty of channels on YouTube where you can walk through a yoga routine.
  • Stopping drinking abruptly can lead to seizures and can even be fatal.
  • If you are a man of average weight and you drink 8 standard drinks a day for a month you are in danger of minor withdrawal symptoms.
  • That being I am infinitely more happy, calm and grounded now that I am no longer necking wine like it’s going out of fashion.

Having a drink in your hand is often the first line of defense against pushy friends and colleagues when you are avoiding alcohol. Try to choose something other than water so that you feel like you are having a treat. Mocktails can be made to taste like a wide variety of cocktails and served in a fancy glass, only sans alcohol (so they taste even better)! Virgin mojitos are especially tasty and look like the real thing if you are trying to avoid prying questions about your beverage choice. Of course, always be aware of your triggers and avoid drinking anything that may be too similar to the alcoholic drinks you once favored. Rather than viewing sobriety as giving something up, why not see it as upgrading your lifestyle – bringing your values and priorities into alignment?

Identifying Triggers and Avoiding Temptation

They help you achieve goals and ensure you remember what’s more important than drinking or doing drugs. One of the most important things you can do to achieve sobriety is to recognize what triggers your drinking or drug use. Exercise is great for everyone, especially those in recovery. Exercise can relieve stress and anxiety, improve mood and release feel-good neurotransmitters. Healthy movement also helps you heal your mind and body from the damage often caused by addiction. Sarah Allen Benton, M.S., LMHC., LPC, is a licensed mental health counselor and author of Understanding the High-Functioning Alcoholic.

  • If you find yourself feeling overwhelmed in social situations where alcohol is present, it may be beneficial to seek immediate assistance from healthcare providers specializing in addiction recovery.
  • If a funeral is too difficult for you to attend right now, feel confident to say you can’t attend.
  • Many will organize substance- and alcohol-free events to help fill members’ evenings and weekends.
  • “These groups offer support, anonymity, and community for people who are questioning their drinking,” she says.

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