COVID-19 TeleMedicine Helpline Telangana

Dhanush Foundation at various levels is consistently striving for offering various healthcare services to the citizens in the Covid Outbreak in Telangana. Evidence across the states suggest that tele-consultation, counseling, through call center based operations can be very effective. An integrated call center for providing different services would be more efficient and cost-effective as compared to a multitude of call centers, each providing a particular type of service.

Telangana has a high telecom penetration that has reached even remote rural areas. This penetration can be effectively harnessed to connect with the citizens from remote rural areas and support them in availing better healthcare services. Further, a trend of increasing growth of telecom penetration in rural areas has strengthened the belief that this mode of communication can be utilized for accessing and delivering healthcare services.

Telemedicine services in Telangana through COVID- HELPLINE

Due to the COVID pandemic, mandatory social distancing and the lack of effective treatments has made telemedicine the safest interactive system between patients, both infected and uninfected, and clinicians. Telemedicine is making a very positive contribution to healthcare during the pandemic, and is being used in a variety of ways. Few are listed below:

To reach the needy citizens who are affected by COVID viral infection and provide required medical intervention with regards to Consultation, Testing, Medicine and Referral to Tertiary care if required.

Provide required comprehensive help to the patients all across PAN India which includes, Doctor Consultation through Telemedicine, provisioning of Diagnostics and Pharmacy, Identification of high risk patients and referral to high level institutions for immediate medical help in such high risky cases at rural and remote areas.

Provide required guidance, support and advisory for those patients who do not have serious conditions for effectively treating them at home with suitable COVID quarantine protocols through expert doctors with the help of telemedicine on a daily basis.

Avoid the unwarranted travel of the infected population from their respective dwellings and provide localized and granulized assistance in a Top-down approach, for averting the viral spread to other regions / people.

Reduce the impact or load on hospitals and preserve the ICU/Beds for those critical patients who are in real need.

Covid-19 Support Mode

Covid-19 Help Support Mode 1

Covid-19 Help Support Mode 2


No. of Beneficiaries


No of Villages


Volunteers Supported